5 Tips To Maintain Professionally Whitened Teeth

How to Maintain Professionally Whitened Teeth If you’ve just had a procedure to have whitened teeth, you’re probably loving your brand new smile. Over time, though, foods and drinks will dull your pearly whites. In order to keep your newly whitened teeth [...]

4 Tips to Prevent Gum Disease

Monroe Family Dentist Shares Tips Gum disease, which is also known as periodontal disease is a health issue that affects countless people worldwide. When bacteria in the mouth buildup between the teeth and gums, the gums can become inflamed and diseased. Gum [...]

2018-02-01T18:03:35+00:00General Dentistry, Prevent Gum Disease|

Tips Toward a Perfect Smile from Dr. Mjahed

Behind every single person's brilliant smile, is an brilliant dentist. Normally, people visit their local dentist once every 6 months because a proper checkup and cleaning need to be performed to maintain a healthy smile and mouth. Before one chooses a general dentist, [...]

2016-03-07T08:30:08+00:00Dental Tips, General Dentistry|
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