Dental implant surgery requires the patient to satisfy certain conditions, which otherwise, would not qualify them for the procedure. The candidacy for implants is decided by the following:
Jawbone health: Optimum jawbone health is perhaps one of the most important factors affecting the candidacy for dental implants. When a tooth is extracted, small bits of the jawbone will also be removed along with the tooth. This can initiate jawbone shrinkage or deterioration. In case you desire a dental implant but your jawbone isn’t strong enough to sustain the implant, you would have to undergo a bone graft. A bone graft is where bone tissues are extracted from a different part of the body and grafted to the jawbone. Once its volume increases, the implant surgery can be carried out.
- Overall health: The candidate’s overall health should be stable. In case they are suffering from chronic diseases such as diabetes, hemophilia, high blood pressure, nervous system issues, etc. the dentist would suggest you do not go for dental implants. These factors could influence the surgery or post-surgical healing period.
- Medication: When the patient is under certain medication, it could affect the healing of the site of surgery. In fact, it could even cause an infection, which is why it plays a major role in determining the candidacy for dental implants.
- Oral health: When the patient has any type of oral infection, it could delay the healing period or cause a much serious infection. If the healing of the gum tissues is delayed, it could make the implant less stable or visually apparent.
- Consent to surgery: If you wish to have a dental implant, you must be willing to undergo two surgeries. However, the mention of surgery should instill panic in the minds of the patients. The surgeries would be performed by a trained dentist under the influence of local anesthesia so that the patient wouldn’t feel discomfort or pain.
Call Us at 704-776-4278 or schedule an appointment to learn more about dental implants
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