Sudden trauma or accidental falls often result in broken teeth. The fractures are frequently followed by extreme sensitivity leaving the patient unable to speak or eat. Our dentists should be immediately contacted to avoid any bacterial infections or further complications. The office can be reached for tips for a broken tooth until the patient can arrive for treatment.
Crowns and veneers are the most common methods for correcting tooth fractures. Veneers are placed on anterior teeth only, whereas the crowns can be placed within any region of the dentition. Small fractures can be typically corrected with tooth-colored fillings also referred to as composite or bonding. If a significant part of the tooth structure is missing, crowns and veneers are the most effective technique of restoring the patient’s smile.
Veneers – The veneers are a complementary choice to the procedure of bonding. The restorations are durable, and they restore the aesthetics and the patient’s confidence. Sturdy porcelain closely mimics the appearance of the adjacent teeth and can be fabricated to improve the existing conditions.
Crowns – Our dentists can restore the dentition if enough tooth structure is present. The procedure is especially effective for root canal treated teeth which typically become brittle and are prone to fractures. The crown serves as a protection and restores the patient’s ability to speak and masticate. If the broken tooth cannot be restored, other methods of replacement will be offered to the patient.
Tips for a broken tooth include appropriate care and immediate dental attention. Good oral health is imperative in sustaining proper oral flora and strong dentition for life. Broken teeth without treatment lead to migration of the adjacent teeth, gingival infections and harboring of plaque and tartar resulting in premature tooth loss. Additional procedures, such as crown lengthening may be implemented to save the existing tooth structure.